Not sure how to say this, but….
We are not cool.
The Forest Film Company is a Yorkshire based videography service specialising in fun, upbeat videography that helps capture your day in style with. Known for their unobtrustive documentary style, Matt, Jaye & the rest of TFFCo team will put you at ease – capture all the best moments and do it without making you feel stressed or pressured.
The Forest Film Company is a subsidiary of Cole Creative.
Art Class Geek
Winner of his school’s award for student who spent the most time in detention for doodling in the margins, Matt has always been an art class geek. There really is no hope for him. When not photographing or filming, Matt can be found illustrating comic books, children’s books and book covers between D&D sessions and slyly winning at most boardgames. He has many cunning plans in the works at any given time yet still makes time to try every new flavour of ice cream that comes to market. Unless it has chunks of hard things in it – he is pretty sure that violates the ice cream Geneva convention.
Born a Pensioner
Jaye was pretty much born at 90 years old. When not photographing or filming, she is an absolute adrenaline junkie known for exxxxtreme knitting, high-stakes gardening, death defying sewing and thrill-seeking countryside rambling. Her life’s goal is to become an eccentric old woman who wears large jewellery, calls everyone “dahhling” and breaks into spontaneous rap battles at inappropriate moments. Feel free to ask her about her dinosaur collection.

Bum Sniffer
We’re gonna give it to you straight – Moose sniffs bums. And he likes it. He may not be the cleverest clog, but he knows he has the most important assets… good looks and a meow loud enough to wake the dead. He is lazy and regularly sleeps in until at least 6pm. In fact, it is probably best that you not expect him to actually attend your wedding. He will be very busy doing important things like eating, snacking, having elevensies, feeling peckish, indulging in a nom and possibly having a kip.
We Made Stuff